Τετάρτη 27 Μαρτίου 2013

Gilligan's Island Game Theory and Gay Marriage

As the Supreme Court hears

oral arguments today
in a case about the Clinton-era Defense of
Marriage Act (DOMA), which was a pro-active attempt to squelch
same-sex marriage, Iowahawk offers up three reasons to support
marriage equality:

First, I'm against restrictions on adults entering into
voluntary contracts. Second, I see no reason why broadening the
definition of marriage to same-sex couples devalues or diminishes
mine. Finally, there's the purely utilitarian Gilligan's Island
effect: if Skipper and Professor decide to wed in a tasteful
lagoon-side ceremony, I've got Ginger and Mary Ann to myself at the
wedding luau. And if it's Mary Ann and Ginger hooking up, well...
I'll be in my bunk.

Read the whole thing
over at Breitbart

And for god's sake, follow Iowahawk (Dave Buerge) on Twitter; his
feed is one of the best.

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