Τετάρτη 27 Μαρτίου 2013

Nick Gillespie: 5 Gov't Videos Every Bit as Terrible as The IRS Star Trek Parody

How bad is the infamous IRS
Star Trek parody vid that cost $60,000 to make?

So rotten that William Shatner, who played Capt. James T. Kirk
on the original series, tweeted "I watched
that IRS video. I am appalled at the utter waste of
US tax dollars." Even the IRS - which rarely admits mistakes - has
apologized for the video.

Yet as Nick Gillespie explains, godawful government videos are a
dime a dozen. To prove his point, he guides us through federal
filmettes about everything from savings bonds to bath salts to
White House parties.

Note: Due to the egregious waste of money
involved, taxpayer discretion is advised.

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